
Check in is 2 PM(or earlier if unit is available).

Check out is 11AM (or later if unit is not rented).

Nightly Rate- $90.00

Information for Morris Vacation Rental.

Phone 570-353-6785

email MtnVacHme@yahoo.com

Call or email the following info to make a reservation.

Dates for use: Rental period begins at 2 pm on _______________ and ends at 11 am on _________________.

Name(s) ______________________________________________Phone (_____) _________

Total people in renting party: ______. Adults: _______ Children: _______ not to exceed 4.

Total Rental Amount: $______________

We accept checks and cash. No credit cards

Balance due upon arrival at the rental

The 10 Basic, Common Sense information that will inform all parties and prevent confusion

1.Guests shall maintain the premises in a good condition, and use the premises only in a careful and lawful manner. They shall leave the premises in the condition it was in at move in (with the exception of general cleaning). They will pay for maintenance and repairs should the premises be left in a lesser condition.

2.Guests are cautioned not to leave trash outside because it attracts animals.

3.No animals or pets of any kind will be brought onto the premises.

4.Guests shall be good neighbors respecting the rights of the surrounding property owners. Quiet hour starts at 10 PM and outdoor noise should be kept to a minimum.

5 No smoking inside the premises. Smoking is permitted outside the home.

6. Only legally owned and permitted firearms shall be allowed on the premises according to State and local laws.

7. No Fireworks and other hazardous materials shall not be used in or around the property. Insurance prohibits any open fires.

8.The property contains a gas stove and cook top, gas heating, and gas water heater and will seek help from management if the proper operation of such items is not fully understood.

9. Dish TV is provided and Guests may NOT subscribe or order pay preview or additional features.

10. Guests shall hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Owner against any and all claims of personal injury or property damage or loss arising from use of the premises regardless of the nature of the accident, injury or loss. They expressly recognize that any insurance for property damage or loss which the Owner may maintain on the property does not cover the personal property of Guests.